This might be a little tough to watch. On January 19th, and LAPD sergeant was on patrol when he saw two parents frantically calling for help with a lifeless toddler in their arms. The sergeant immediately went to work, performing emergency medical assistance, clearing the girl’s airway, and saving her life.
Give this a look:
That’s a hero at work right there. After radioing in his location and requesting paramedics, the officer flipped the girl over, (appearing to knock his body camera off his uniform, fortunately landing lens-side-up), thumped her between her shoulder blades a few times and dislodging whatever was obstructing her airway.
You can hear the officer say “something came out.”
Soon after, paramedics arrived and took the girl to the nearby children’s hospital, where she’s now in stable condition.
Thanks to this officer’s quick actions, a girl’s life was saved. Strong work, LAPD. Strong work indeed.