UPDATE: Well, that was quick. The Patch of the Month officially sold out on 9/11. Thank you to everyone who added it to your collection in support of FirefighterAid. Still want to help out? 5% of all purchases from GovX’s line of athletic and tactical apparel will be donated to FirefighterAid at the end of the month.
This month marks 20 years since the attacks of September 11, 2001. 20 years since the loss of nearly 3,000 lives in New York City, Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
The day’s casualties included 343 firefighters, a number which has become symbolic in America’s first responder communities. That’s why this month, we’re donating proceeds from this year’s 9/11 memorial Patch of the Month to FirefighterAid.
343 is a significant and somber number. You’ll often find 343 emblazoned on the turnout gear of firefighters across the country, like this man at the 2019 Memorial Stair Climb in San Diego, CA, heroically climbing with a hose featuring photographs of all 343 firefighters lost that day:

Members of team GovX were honored to climb alongside this man and his brothers and sisters from around the county at the stair climb sponsored by FirefighterAid, the nonprofit dedicated to firefighters and their families. This is a fund that provides charitable assistance to professionals from every world of the firefighting community, volunteer to paid. They galvanize the dreams of young future firefighters with scholarships and mentoring. They also champion the causes of firefighter health and safety, through the Cancer Awareness & Prevention Program, with the sole purpose to reinforce best practices in the workplace to mitigate the risk of cancer-causing contaminants that firefighters so often encounter on the job. And in a family’s darkest hour, they provide emotional support in the time of grief following the death of a firefighter in the family.

That’s why once again, we are donating to FirefighterAid, because they believe—like we do—in supporting the heroism and courage required to put on the uniform and perform this job. As we recognize the somber memorial of 20 years since the attacks of 9/11, we renew our gratitude for Americans everywhere who serve their communities. Whether you’re a firefighter in paramedicine, wildland, or structural, we’ll always have your back.
Add the special 20th anniversary 9/11 memorial patch to your collection and join us in supporting American firefighters.