Take the Pledge this Memorial Day to #GoSilent with IAVA

The annual pause pays tribute to fallen servicemembers.

A time for remembrance and reflection, Memorial Day takes a special meaning not just for those who've served, but for those who’ve lost a loved one. On Monday, May 29th at 3pm local time, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) will honorably hold a national moment of silence in recognition of the departed. In addition to partaking in the #GoSilent campaign, we here at GOVX encourage Americans like you to help get the word out, continue to advocate for veteran services, and support IAVA’s mission to connect, unite, and empower post 9/11 veterans.

Here’s how you can participate today:


Join IAVA as they #GoSilent on Monday, May 29th at 3pm local time. Leave your information and the name of the servicemember you’re going silent for on the pledge page.


Active on social media? Spread the word amongst your circle by sharing stories, photos, and experiences with the hashtag #GoSilent. Make sure to tag IAVA in the process, and they’ll be sure to share your posts on their channels.


Be heard. Contact your government representatives and voice your support for the Major Richard Star Act and other issues important to the veteran community.

About IAVA: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans fo America fights to improve the lives of post-9/11 veterans. With over 425,000 member veterans and supporters nationwide, GOVX is proud to support their mission as our GOVX Gives Back recipient for the month of May.